Bison Watch: 2 Years of Rewilding Kent

Did you know that we support rewilding projects in areas around our vineyard? More specifically, the reintroduction of wild bison to Kent? Yes, bison.

Not your usual conservation project. But a landmark one with Kent Wildlife Trust that has garnered attention in the national press and praise from Leonardo DiCaprio(?!).

In July 2022, 3 mega footed herbivores left their first hoofprints on Kent soil, the first for thousands of years. Almost 2 years on, we have an UPDATE.

Bison grazers, including calf, in Kent

[Please read in your finest David Attenborough voice.] 

  • March 23 - The rest of grazing assemblage arrives
    In the heart of a rejuvenating forest, a unique assembly of grazers — Exmoor ponies, iron-age pigs, and longhorn cattle — join the bison to collectively sculpt the landscape.

The bison act as ecosystem engineers, rummaging around, eating, knocking things over, and generally shaping the habitat around them. They bring light to the woodland floor, boosting biodiversity.

This living mosaic, initially formed by just three female bison (plus a calf one snuck in in the form of a surprise birth!!), were eventually joined that December by a German bull delayed (presumably) by post-Brexit passport issues.

    • December 2023 - Another Baby Bison!
      A landmark event!! The bison matriarch has given birth to a beautiful calf. Yes that’s right - another baby bison. The first to be conceived and born in the woods, symbolising the triumph of the breeding programme.
    • The next chapter...
      As we peer into the future, plans for bison bridges loom on the spring horizon, promising to unify the woodland's fragmented expanses. These crossings will ensure the herd's access to the entire 200-hectare area, fostering a more connected, dynamic ecosystem.

    It's been a (re)wild couple of years and we're excited for the next two. You can support these projects yourself by sipping our wines, or donating to Kent Wildlife Trust directly. 




    Kent Wildlife Trust Registered Charity Number: 239992

    Photography: Donovan Wright