Our wine is all English. We grow our grapes all the way just down the road on the Kent Downs, just a stone’s throw away from Faversham. All locally grown grapes, all made in England.
Though many rosés and sparkling wines (like a lot of Proseccos) are sweet, ours are all dry and fresh. They are naturally low in sugar, and we add no sugar to our spritzers.
Our wines are 166 kCal per 250ml can. Very low for a wine due to light alcohol levels and naturally low sugars. Our spritzers are almost exactly half that at 83 kCal per can.
Red wine is particularly difficult to make in England and we’ll only release ours when it’s well and truly time.
Our cans are 250ml. So three of them would be the equivalent of a regular wine bottle. More than you’d think!
Our cans actually keep our young, zippy style of wines fresher for longer. Glass bottles let in light and air, which can be bad for wine. Can technology has come a long way, so there’s no compromise on quality.
Cans not only keep out wines fresher for longer, but they are also wildly convenient, go anywhere with you and more environmentally friendly (with 86% lower carbon footprint and more easily recycled). So we don’t really see good reason to produce bottles.