Welcoming wild bison to Kent with Kent Wildlife Trust

We're proud to announce our partnership with the Kent Wildlife Trust on a ground-breaking new wilding project.
This summer, three magnificent mega-herbivores left their first hoofprints a mere 10 miles from our vineyard in Kent, as part of an incredible new conservation project by Kent Wildlife Trust.

Not seen on these shores for thousands of years, it really is a wild and exciting idea. So wild it's made national news.

The bison are ‘eco-system engineers’ and will transform dense commercial pine forests in West Blean and Thornden Woods into a vibrant natural woodland, creating a more climate resilient landscape. 

This landmark experiment aims to demonstrate the real impact nature-based solutions can have in solving the climate crisis.

What does our wine have do with it?

Over the next year, we will be donating 2% of our revenue (not just profit) to pioneering ‘wilding’ projects like these in areas local to our vineyards.

Having played a part in a new era in winemaking, we want to support Kent Wildlife Trust revolutionise the way we restore natural landscapes. It's time for a new era of conservation.
We can’t wait to take you on the journey with us and stay tuned for updates.


Registered charity number: 239992