A wilder day out

What's better than a team volunteering day? A volunteering day with scythes.

Team Uncommon got involved at volunteered at Oare Marshes, a reserve managed by Kent Wildlife Trust. We learned a lot and hopefully help a little. 

The loss of large herbivores and the like means reeds here run riot and need trimming back to make the area welcoming for migratory, overwintering and breeding wetland birds. It may seem counterintuitive, but here, the land needs management to increase diversity.

In lieu of the hooves of ancient wild beasts, out came the scythes. The ancient ancestor of the lawnmower. 

Kent Wildlife Trust has a long-term plan which involves species reintroductions at regular intervals over the next 15-20 years. 

The Uncommon, with your support, will directly support the reintroduction of two species over the next 5 years.

These reintroduction of species programmes are pioneering, key to wilding, and align with UK Government aspirations to bring back lost species to give nature a chance at recovery through increased biodiversity.

We're unbelievably proud to be able to help these projects in areas so close to home.